Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Important Daily Cardio ~ Cardio Supplement ~ For Cardio Health; Cardio Boost ~ Liquid L-Arginine


For Cardio Health, over the counter natural products are available to anyone interested in optimal nutrition heart health and Cardio Boost Liquid L-Arginine.

L-Arginine, a semi essential amino acid, is the major component for cardiovascular protection.

The recommended dosage for L- Arginine is 5 grams or 5000 mg daily.

According to a Nobel Prize Laureate, Dr. Louis Ignarro M.D. Ph. D. L-Citrulline is another essential ingredient, as it enhances the synthesis of additional L-Arginine in the body.

Cardio Supplement Calories should be minimal, the sources all natural and vegetable. Pills, capsules, and tablets often do not allow for a high level of absorption or assimilation, so Liquid Arginine liquid forms of vitamins are best.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Energy Drink Plus Detox ~ No “Copy Cat”

The Hair of the Dog™ is not just another “me too,” copycat energy drink trying to mimic Red Bull.

The Hair of the Dog™ is a unique, functional beverage that has been placed in the Energy Drink Category that actually increases category sales by attracting customers that would not normally purchase energy drinks.

Detoxify the Liver

Here’s why: the formula was originally developed by doctors to aid cancer patients on chemotherapy drugs because of the harmful effects the drugs have on the liver.

It was only by accident that they discovered the world’s best hangover remedy because of its amazing ability to rapidly detoxify the liver.

Good Life international acquired the rights to that formula and the name The Hair of the Dog™, which has for centuries been a common term of endearment for a “hangover cure.” Today, the phrase is heard every day in television, movies, radio and social conversation.

“Now you can feel great the next day even after having celebrated the night before.”

- Steven Smith, President/Founder of Good Life International.